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Time flies, this post will be my last post for my eDesign blog. The end of Environmental Design subject is coming soon too. Two blog posts per week, there're 18 posts (include this post) in this blog. I would like to do a conclusion for my eDisgn blog.

This blog is one of my Environmental Design subject's assignments. I have been blogging for 9 weeks. I felt that I had improved some knowledge through blogging. This is because I had to search on the internet during blogging as I need to know and get more data or information of my selected topics. I had learnt and gained a lot of knowledge from those information.

I had shared my childhood's hero, favorite cartoon, novel and history, mobile phone, song, movie and etc. Besides that, I had blogged about the three topics which given by my lecturer, "The Navigation Design", "Murphy's Law in Design" and "Container as Content".

Overall, I like the song sharing's post, "At the beginning" the most. Why? As what I stated in that post, the lyrics of the song is meaningful which talked about the development of our right attitude in our lives. Be brave! Be strong!

Lastly, I would like to say "goodbye" to eDesign Blog. Thank you for giving me a place to share and vent out my feeling!

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I have few friends study oversea after both of us graduated from secondary school. Some of them in America, China, Russia or England. It's hard to meet with them because of the far distance. But, I still can see and communicate with them. By using Skype, I can either voice or video call them easily.

Skype is a software application that allows users to make voice calls and chats over the Internet. Skype has become popular for its additional features like instant messaging and video conferencing. It allows users to communicate through both instant messaging and voice chat. Voice chat allows calls between pairs (or above) of users and conference calling, same to video conferencing.

Skype give us a convenience of communication, so that I can contact and communicate with my overseas friends easily. I can know about their latest news eventhough we are not in the same place. Skype is a successful invention of software application.

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My Favorite Game - Mario

When I was a child, there was a popular TV game, Mario. He is a fictional character in his eponymous video game series. Mario has appeared in over 200 video games since his creation. Currently, Mario appears in varied video game genres such as racing, puzzle, role-playing, fighting, and sports. It is still very popular until nowaday.

Mario is depicted as a short, pudgy, Italian-American plumber who lives in the Mushroom Kingdom. He repeatedly stops the turtle-like villain Bowser's numerous plans to kidnap Princess Peach and subjugate the Mushroom Kingdom. He has other enemies and rivals, including Donkey Kong and Wario.

It is a funny and interesting game. I played this game together with my sister and brother when we were young. Mario was our favorite game and gave us a happy childhood.

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I believe that the most popular social networking service is Facebook nowaday. As of January 2011, Facebook has more than 600 million active users. My friends, coursemates and even myself, are Facebook's users. Why Facebook can be so famous? I think this is because we can know the latest news of the friends we had added in Facebook through this social networking service. For me, I met with my old friends in Facebook. We connect and contact with each others through Facebook.

Facebook has a lot of application. Users can create profiles with photos, lists of personal interests, contact information, and other personal information, add other users as friends and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile. Besides that, users may join common interest user groups, organized by workplace, school or college, and other characteristics.

I like to communicate with friends and other users through private or public messages and a chat features. Also, my another favorite application, Photos application, where I can upload albums and photos. I can upload an unlimited number of photos. Photo albums are the sweet memories between me and my family, and also my friends.

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Romance of the Three Kingdoms

As what I wrote on the previous post, I like Chinese historical novel. "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", is one of the most popular historical novels of China. This novel was written by Luo Guanzhong in the 14th century, based on the events in turbulent years near the end of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms era of Chinese history.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is acclaimed as one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature, while the rest are "Water Margin", "Journey to the West" and "Dream of the Red Chamber". Among four of the novels, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is arguably the most widely read historical novel in late imperial and modern China.

The novel has 120 chapters, which can divide the story as the titles below:

1. Yellow Turban Rebellion
2. Dong Zhuo's reign of terror
3. Conflict among the various warlords and nobles
4. Sun Ce builds a dynasty in Jiangdong
5. Liu Bei's ambition
6. Battle of Red Cliffs
7. Liu Bei's takeover of Yi Province
8. Death of Guan Yu
9. Battle of Xiaoting
10. Zhuge Liang's campaigns
11. End of the Three Kingdoms

I finished the novel when I was in form 3. I gained a lot of knowledge from the novel, even learnt a good lesson. I admire those heros in the novel, because they were willing to sacrifice their lives for protecting their own countries and kings.

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Chinese Novel Sharing - "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio"

I had introduced some of my favorite movies or music in some of the previous posts. I would like to introduce my favorite book in this post. I have great interest in chinese history, novels and literature. "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" is one of my favorite books, which is a collection of nearly five hundred mostly supernatural tales written by Pu Songling in Classical Chinese during the period of early Qing Dynasty.

The main character of the book are ghosts, foxes, immortals and demons, but the stories written in the book actually focused on people's real life. Pu Songling used those oddities to illustrate his ideas of the social, society and government. Among those stories, I like "A Chinese Ghost Story" the most. This story is talking about a guy who named Ning Cai Chen meets a beautiful and alluring young maiden, Nie Xiao Qian in a temple and falls in love with her. However, Nie Xiao Qian is a ghost. Ning Cai Chen is willing to help Nie Xiao Qian to free her soul from suffering because of their true love.

It's a nice story. Besides that, there're a lot of other stories in this book. I would like to collect the whole stories since I'm now only have few of the collection.

The author - Pu Songling

Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio

A Chinese Ghost Story

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Murphy's Law in Design

What is Murphy's law? Based on wikipedia.com, Murphy's law is an adage or epigram that is typically stated as: "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong". It is a quite funny and special statement. Why I said so? This is because Murphy's laws is:

1. If anything can go wrong, it will.
2. If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong.
3. If anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway.
4. If you perceive that there are four possible ways in which something can go wrong, and circumvent these, then a fifth way, unprepared for, will promptly develop.
5. Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse.
6. If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.

...and etc. (sources from:http://www.murphys-laws.com/murphy/murphy-laws.html)

Then, what will happen if Murphy's law apply in design?

First, the fonts will default. If you have 2 versions of a photo, you will send the wrong one to the printer. Then, if the text consists of 3 and above words, at least one will be misspelled. If 5 designs are shown to a client, your least favorite will be chosen and the best designs never survive contact with the client. Besides that, your best ideas is already copyrighted. When work with a computer, any given program duting running, is obsolete. If you forget to save your work every 5 minutes, it will break down after you have been at it for an hour.

In a conclusion, if there's a Murphy's law when you are designing, you are having a bad luck!

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Container as Content

The title "Container as Content" was given by my lecturer during today class. When I search for the information in internet, I found a topic "The Ark of Awareness". (source from: http://www.arkofawareness.com/artwork/17-container-or-content) It slightly describes about the meaning and examples of container or content. I like the picture as stated below because it had shown the meaning of container as content simply.

Based on the source found, it states a person can have all kinds of wonderful thoughts about new awareness, transformation, and arks of awareness but the thoughts are not it. So what is the container and what is the content? In my opinion, I agreed with the above statement. I think content can be the message that we want to convey while the container is the medium that we use to convey the content. So, both container and content are always functioning in our brain as this is part of the fundamental structure of the human mind.

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Mobile Phone Sharing - Nokia N8

I'm a Nokia user. I had my own mobile phone when I was 14 years old. It was a present from my lovely daddy. Besides a user, I'm the fans of Nokia too. I like to search for Nokia's old or latest information. This few days, I addicted with its new model, N8. Actually Nokia N8 had released for a long time ago, but I love this mobile phone so much, that's why I would like to share its information here.

It is a Symbiam 3 smartphone from Nokia Nseries. Its body design is using anodised aluminium monocoque case and available in silver white, dark grey, orange, blue, and green. For me, I prefer silver white in color because it gives me a classic feeling. Its display is quite similar with iPhone. It has active-matrix OLED screen with capacitive touch, 640x360 pixels nHD and gorilla glass protective layer.

Besides those above, one of the features that I like most is we can shoot our masterpiece in HD. By using Nokia N8, we can record high-definition video.The Xenon flash which axisted in Nokia N8 allows us to take good pictures in low-light conditions as well. Then, we can share them with the world.

My dream mobile phone

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Animation sharing - Mars Needs Mom

Today I would like to share a 3D computer-animate sci-fi adventure comedy film, "Mars Needs Moms". It is an animation released by Walt Disney Pictures. This animation is talking about the main character, Milo who is nine-year-old boy finds out just how much he need his mother when she's nabbed by Martians (people from Mars) who plan to steal her mom-ness for Mars' own young. Milo's quest to save his mother involves stowing away on a spaceship, navigating elaborate etc to find his way back to his mother.

In my opinion, the most touching part of this animation is when Milo begins to choke in the unbreathable Martian atmosphere, Milo's mother gives him her space helmet to save Milo's life. I cried for the conversation between the mother and child when I was in the cinema. The animation tells how a mother love and teach their children with her sincere heart. It is a good story to educate children and teenagers. We have to appreciate our parents and learn to filial piety. This is the most important action in our lives.

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Movie Sharing - The New Shaolin Temple

This post I would like to share a film, "The New Shaolin Temple". It was a 2011 Hong Kong-Chinese action film directed by Benny Chan, starring Andy Lau, Nicholas Tse, Jackie Chan and Fan Bingbing. The story took place in Hunan, right at the birthplace of Shaolin. It was a period of the Republican era, which was a time where China has fallen into a state of anarchism and ruthless warlords fight for control over the land in violent struggles to gain supremacy. The story also talked about how a person changed his personality from bad to good after a lot of things happened in his life.

In my opinion, one of the highlights of "The New Shaolin Temple" is the kung fu scenes. The shooting of the action scenes were both realistic and superb. I went for this movie with my friends two months ago. This movie was not only interesting but was touching too. There was a lot of people cried in the cinema because it touched people's hearts. We learnt a lesson after the movie. It was a nice and interesting movie.

In a conclusion, "The New Shaolin Temple" is a must-see film. I strongly recommended this movie to my friends. Below is the movie trailer:

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